Buy List

The Brothers' War - non-foil



Mountain 19
5 (9)
Forest 20
2 (5)
Mishra, Claimed by Gix // Mishra, Lost to Phyrexia 20
69 (109)
Phyrexian Dragon Engine // Mishra, Lost to Phyrexia 20
15 (25)
Mountain 13
2 (5)
Plains 13
0.5 (4)
Island 2
0.5 (4)
The Mightstone and Weakstone // Urza, Planeswalker 20
39 (75)
Mountain 11
0.5 (4)
Swamp 14
0.5 (4)
Forest 20
2 (5)
Swamp 7
0.5 (4)
Swamp 20
0.5 (4)
Island 19
5 (9)
Island 18
5 (9)
Forest 6
0.5 (4)
Plains 20
5 (9)
Plains 19
5 (9)
Argoth, Sanctum of Nature // Titania, Gaea Incarnate 19
15 (25)
4 Calamity's Wake 1
2 (5)
8 In the Trenches 20
7 (12)
9 Kayla's Command 10
0.5 (4)
10 Kayla's Reconstruction 20
2 (5)
11 Lay Down Arms 1
2 (5)
12 Loran of the Third Path 20
59 (99)
13 Loran, Disciple of History 2
0.5 (4)
14 Loran's Escape 16
12 (19)
16 Meticulous Excavation 3
0.5 (4)
18 Myrel, Shield of Argive 20
259 (409)
22 Recommission 2
2 (5)
23 Recruitment Officer 11
0.5 (4)
25 Siege Veteran 20
5 (9)
26 Soul Partition 20
15 (29)
30 Tocasia's Welcome 20
59 (99)
32 Warlord's Elite 2
0.5 (4)
34 Autonomous Assembler 11
0.5 (4)
35 Combat Thresher 5
0.5 (4)
36 Platoon Dispenser 15
12 (19)
38 Steel Seraph 20
29 (55)
40 Urza's Sylex 19
7 (15)
42 Yotian Frontliner 3
0.5 (4)
45 Defabricate 4
2 (5)
47 Drafna, Founder of Lat-Nam 17
7 (12)
48 Fallaji Archaeologist 11
12 (19)
49 Flow of Knowledge 1
0.5 (4)
50 Forging the Anchor 2
0.5 (4)
51 Hurkyl, Master Wizard 13
0.5 (4)
52 Hurkyl's Final Meditation 14
0.5 (4)
54 Keeper of the Cadence 3
0.5 (4)
57 Machine Over Matter 7
0.5 (4)
59 One with the Multiverse 20
29 (55)
62 Skystrike Officer 16
2 (5)
66 Teferi, Temporal Pilgrim 20
89 (149)
70 Urza's Command 17
2 (5)
75 Arcane Proxy 20
15 (25)
80 Spotter Thopter 4
0.5 (4)
81 Surge Engine 20
15 (25)
82 The Temporal Anchor 15
0.5 (4)
83 Terisian Mindbreaker 20
7 (12)
84 Ashnod, Flesh Mechanist 18
2 (5)
89 Diabolic Intent 20
119 (189)
92 Dreams of Steel and Oil 9
0.5 (4)
93 Emergency Weld 1
2 (5)
94 Fateful Handoff 18
0.5 (4)
95 Gix, Yawgmoth Praetor 20
139 (229)
97 Gix's Command 20
25 (39)
99 Gixian Puppeteer 20
15 (25)
101 Gnawing Vermin 1
0.5 (4)
102 Go for the Throat 20
15 (25)
105 Hostile Negotiations 15
7 (12)
107 Misery's Shadow 18
5 (9)
110 Overwhelming Remorse 1
2 (5)
111 Painful Quandary 20
15 (25)
114 Thran Vigil 2
0.5 (4)
117 Ashnod's Harvester 4
2 (5)
121 Phyrexian Fleshgorger 20
69 (109)
122 Razorlash Transmogrant 18
5 (9)
125 Transmogrant's Crown 16
5 (9)
127 Bitter Reunion 20
5 (9)
128 Brotherhood's End 20
59 (99)
130 Draconic Destiny 19
12 (19)
131 Dwarven Forge-Chanter 13
0.5 (4)
135 Feldon, Ronom Excavator 17
7 (12)
137 Goblin Blast-Runner 20
0.5 (4)
139 Mechanized Warfare 19
7 (15)
141 Mishra's Command 12
0.5 (4)
144 Monastery Swiftspear 18
5 (9)
145 Obliterating Bolt 20
2 (5)
146 Over the Top 10
0.5 (4)
154 Tyrant of Kher Ridges 9
0.5 (4)
156 Visions of Phyrexia 16
2 (5)
160 Heavyweight Demolisher 1
0.5 (4)
162 Mishra's Research Desk 15
0.5 (4)
164 Scrapwork Mutt 8
7 (15)
165 Skitterbeam Battalion 20
15 (29)
166 Alloy Animist 5
0.5 (4)
169 Audacity 12
7 (12)
170 Awaken the Woods 20
209 (329)
171 Blanchwood Armor 1
0.5 (4)
172 Blanchwood Prowler 20
0.5 (4)
174 Bushwhack 12
2 (5)
177 Fade from History 20
7 (12)
179 Fauna Shaman 20
29 (55)
182 Gaea's Gift 16
12 (19)
185 Gwenna, Eyes of Gaea 20
49 (89)
187 Obstinate Baloth 1
0.5 (4)
189 Sarinth Steelseeker 11
0.5 (4)
192 Teething Wurmlet 20
5 (9)
193 Titania, Voice of Gaea // Titania, Gaea Incarnate 20
129 (209)
194 Titania's Command 20
7 (15)
199 Haywire Mite 20
25 (39)
202 Perennial Behemoth 16
5 (9)
203 Rootwire Amalgam 20
7 (12)
205 Simian Simulacrum 8
0.5 (4)
206 Arbalest Engineers 1
0.5 (4)
208 Deathbloom Ritualist 11
2 (5)
211 Hajar, Loyal Bodyguard 20
12 (19)
212 Harbin, Vanguard Aviator 17
7 (12)
213 Hero of the Dunes 1
0.5 (4)
215 Legions to Ashes 20
5 (9)
217 Mishra, Tamer of Mak Fawa 13
2 (5)
218 Queen Kayla bin-Kroog 11
0.5 (4)
219 Saheeli, Filigree Master 17
15 (25)
220 Sarinth Greatwurm 20
7 (12)
221 Skyfisher Spider 3
0.5 (4)
222 Tawnos, the Toymaker 20
0.5 (4)
223 Third Path Iconoclast 20
7 (15)
224 Tocasia, Dig Site Mentor 15
0.5 (4)
225 Urza, Lord Protector // Urza, Planeswalker 18
119 (189)
226 Urza, Prince of Kroog 12
7 (12)
229 Bladecoil Serpent 18
7 (15)
230 Clay Champion 18
7 (15)
233 Cityscape Leveler 20
169 (269)
234 Energy Refractor 13
0.5 (4)
236 Levitating Statue 1
0.5 (4)
237 Liberator, Urza's Battlethopter 20
49 (89)
240 Portal to Phyrexia 18
349 (549)
242 Reconstructed Thopter 5
0.5 (4)
245 The Stasis Coffin 13
2 (5)
247 The Stone Brain 20
39 (65)
252 Symmetry Matrix 6
0.5 (4)
253 Thran Power Suit 9
5 (9)
254 Thran Spider 12
2 (5)
257 Battlefield Forge 20
15 (29)
258 Blast Zone 20
7 (12)
259 Brushland 19
29 (59)
260 Demolition Field 20
12 (19)
262 Fortified Beachhead 20
5 (9)
263 Hall of Tagsin 13
2 (5)
264 Llanowar Wastes 20
25 (39)
265 Mishra's Foundry 20
12 (19)
267 Underground River 20
49 (89)
Total 0