Buy List

Shadows over Innistrad - non-foil



Tamiyo's Journal 20
0.5 (4)
Tamiyo's Journal 20
25 (39)
Devil Token (Red 1/1) 20
0.5 (4)
Tamiyo's Journal 20
79 (129)
Tamiyo's Journal 20
39 (75)
Zombie Token (Black 2/2) 20
0.5 (4)
Tamiyo's Journal 20
39 (75)
Vampire Knight Token (Black 1/1) 20
7 (15)
Spirit Token (White 1/1) 20
0.5 (4)
Ooze Token (Green 3/3) 20
0.5 (4)
Tamiyo's Journal 20
39 (65)
Human Soldier Token (White 1/1) 20
0.5 (4)
Angel Token (White 4/4) 20
0.5 (4)
Tamiyo's Journal 20
69 (109)
Double-Faced Card Proxy Checklist 20
0.5 (4)
Double-Faced Card Proxy Checklist 20
0.5 (4)
Clue Token 19
0.5 (4)
Insect Token (Green 1/1) 20
0.5 (4)
Tamiyo's Journal 20
89 (139)
Human Cleric Token (White and Black 1/1) 20
29 (59)
Arlinn, Embraced by the Moon Emblem 20
7 (12)
Tamiyo's Journal 20
29 (55)
Tamiyo's Journal 20
139 (229)
Tamiyo's Journal 20
39 (75)
Tamiyo's Journal 20
79 (129)
Tamiyo's Journal 20
59 (99)
Tamiyo's Journal 20
29 (59)
Wolf Token (Green 2/2) 20
0.5 (4)
Tamiyo's Journal 20
0.5 (4)
Clue Token 20
0.5 (4)
Clue Token 20
0.5 (4)
Clue Token 20
0.5 (4)
Clue Token 20
0.5 (4)
Clue Token 20
0.5 (4)
Jace, Unraveler of Secrets Emblem 20
12 (19)
1 Always Watching 20
7 (15)
2 Angel of Deliverance 15
0.5 (4)
3 Angelic Purge 17
0.5 (4)
4 Apothecary Geist 7
0.5 (4)
5 Archangel Avacyn / Avacyn, the Purifier 20
39 (75)
6 Avacynian Missionaries / Lunarch Inquisitors 15
0.5 (4)
7 Bound by Moonsilver 16
0.5 (4)
8 Bygone Bishop 17
2 (5)
9 Cathar's Companion 5
0.5 (4)
10 Chaplain's Blessing 4
0.5 (4)
11 Dauntless Cathar 3
0.5 (4)
12 Declaration in Stone 15
2 (5)
13 Descend upon the Sinful 18
7 (12)
15 Drogskol Cavalry 16
2 (5)
16 Eerie Interlude 20
69 (109)
17 Emissary of the Sleepless 9
0.5 (4)
18 Ethereal Guidance 1
0.5 (4)
19 Expose Evil 10
0.5 (4)
20 Gryff's Boon 19
0.5 (4)
21 Hanweir Militia Captain / Westvale Cult Leader 20
7 (12)
24 Inquisitor's Ox 6
0.5 (4)
25 Inspiring Captain 2
0.5 (4)
27 Moorland Drifter 8
0.5 (4)
28 Nahiri's Machinations 3
0.5 (4)
30 Not Forgotten 13
2 (5)
31 Odric, Lunarch Marshal 19
5 (9)
32 Open the Armory 17
15 (25)
33 Paranoid Parish-Blade 16
0.5 (4)
34 Pious Evangel / Wayward Disciple 15
0.5 (4)
35 Puncturing Light 6
0.5 (4)
36 Reaper of Flight Moonsilver 15
0.5 (4)
37 Silverstrike 17
0.5 (4)
38 Spectral Shepherd 11
0.5 (4)
40 Strength of Arms 12
0.5 (4)
41 Survive the Night 11
0.5 (4)
42 Tenacity 17
0.5 (4)
43 Thalia's Lieutenant 20
15 (25)
44 Thraben Inspector 19
5 (9)
45 Topplegeist 19
2 (5)
46 Town Gossipmonger / Incited Rabble 17
0.5 (4)
47 Unruly Mob 4
0.5 (4)
48 Vessel of Ephemera 10
0.5 (4)
49 Aberrant Researcher / Perfected Form 17
0.5 (4)
50 Broken Concentration 14
0.5 (4)
52 Compelling Deterrence 14
0.5 (4)
53 Confirm Suspicions 13
5 (9)
54 Daring Sleuth / Bearer of Overwhelming Truths 13
0.5 (4)
55 Deny Existence 6
0.5 (4)
56 Drownyard Explorers 4
0.5 (4)
57 Drunau Corpse Trawler 16
0.5 (4)
58 Engulf the Shore 20
7 (15)
59 Epiphany at the Drownyard 10
7 (12)
60 Erdwal Illuminator 12
0.5 (4)
61 Essence Flux 20
25 (45)
62 Fleeting Memories 15
0.5 (4)
63 Forgotten Creation 17
2 (5)
64 Furtive Homunculus 7
0.5 (4)
65 Geralf's Masterpiece 20
7 (12)
66 Ghostly Wings 2
0.5 (4)
68 Invasive Surgery 11
0.5 (4)
69 Jace, Unraveler of Secrets 20
39 (65)
70 Jace's Scrutiny 6
0.5 (4)
71 Just the Wind 7
0.5 (4)
72 Lamplighter of Selhoff 9
0.5 (4)
73 Manic Scribe 17
2 (5)
74 Nagging Thoughts 8
0.5 (4)
75 Nephalia Moondrakes 19
0.5 (4)
76 Niblis of Dusk 1
0.5 (4)
77 Ongoing Investigation 7
0.5 (4)
78 Pieces of the Puzzle 14
0.5 (4)
79 Pore Over the Pages 13
0.5 (4)
80 Press for Answers 6
0.5 (4)
81 Rattlechains 20
2 (5)
82 Reckless Scholar 17
0.5 (4)
83 Rise from the Tides 13
0.5 (4)
84 Seagraf Skaab 2
0.5 (4)
85 Silburlind Snapper 4
0.5 (4)
86 Silent Observer 6
0.5 (4)
87 Sleep Paralysis 3
0.5 (4)
88 Startled Awake / Persistent Nightmare 20
15 (25)
89 Stitched Mangler 7
0.5 (4)
90 Stitchwing Skaab 15
2 (5)
92 Thing in the Ice / Awoken Horror 20
25 (39)
93 Trail of Evidence 18
0.5 (4)
94 Uninvited Geist / Unimpeded Trespasser 17
0.5 (4)
95 Vessel of Paramnesia 13
0.5 (4)
96 Welcome to the Fold 13
0.5 (4)
97 Accursed Witch / Infectious Curse 14
2 (5)
98 Alms of the Vein 20
19 (35)
99 Asylum Visitor 18
7 (12)
100 Behind the Scenes 18
2 (5)
101 Behold the Beyond 20
15 (29)
102 Biting Rain 12
2 (5)
103 Call the Bloodline 16
0.5 (4)
104 Creeping Dread 16
0.5 (4)
105 Crow of Dark Tidings 9
0.5 (4)
107 Diregraf Colossus 20
59 (99)
108 Elusive Tormentor / Insidious Mist 16
0.5 (4)
109 Ever After 14
2 (5)
110 Farbog Revenant 4
0.5 (4)
111 From Under the Floorboards 10
2 (5)
112 Ghoulcaller's Accomplice 6
0.5 (4)
113 Ghoulsteed 11
0.5 (4)
114 Gisa's Bidding 19
0.5 (4)
115 Grotesque Mutation 8
0.5 (4)
116 Heir of Falkenrath / Heir to the Night 13
0.5 (4)
117 Hound of the Farbogs 7
0.5 (4)
118 Indulgent Aristocrat 18
5 (9)
119 Kindly Stranger / Demon-Possessed Witch 16
0.5 (4)
120 Liliana's Indignation 10
0.5 (4)
121 Macabre Waltz 1
0.5 (4)
122 Markov Dreadknight 18
0.5 (4)
123 Merciless Resolve 7
0.5 (4)
124 Mindwrack Demon 18
7 (12)
125 Morkrut Necropod 14
0.5 (4)
126 Murderous Compulsion 5
0.5 (4)
127 Olivia's Bloodsworn 16
0.5 (4)
128 Pale Rider of Trostad 16
0.5 (4)
129 Pick the Brain 18
0.5 (4)
130 Rancid Rats 4
0.5 (4)
131 Relentless Dead 20
159 (259)
133 Sanitarium Skeleton 6
0.5 (4)
134 Shamble Back 4
0.5 (4)
135 Sinister Concoction 13
0.5 (4)
136 Stallion of Ashmouth 10
0.5 (4)
137 Stromkirk Mentor 10
0.5 (4)
138 Throttle 6
0.5 (4)
139 To the Slaughter 15
0.5 (4)
140 Tooth Collector 14
0.5 (4)
142 Twins of Maurer Estate 10
0.5 (4)
143 Vampire Noble 4
0.5 (4)
144 Vessel of Malignity 1
0.5 (4)
145 Avacyn's Judgment 15
2 (5)
146 Bloodmad Vampire 7
0.5 (4)
147 Breakneck Rider / Neck Breaker 15
0.5 (4)
148 Burn from Within 16
0.5 (4)
150 Dance with Devils 15
0.5 (4)
151 Devils' Playground 16
5 (9)
152 Dissension in the Ranks 14
0.5 (4)
153 Dual Shot 6
0.5 (4)
155 Falkenrath Gorger 17
5 (9)
156 Fiery Temper 16
0.5 (4)
157 Flameblade Angel 16
2 (5)
158 Gatstaf Arsonists / Gatstaf Ravagers 6
0.5 (4)
159 Geier Reach Bandit / Vildin-Pack Alpha 20
7 (12)
160 Geistblast 15
0.5 (4)
161 Gibbering Fiend 13
2 (5)
162 Goldnight Castigator 18
7 (12)
163 Harness the Storm 17
0.5 (4)
164 Howlpack Wolf 7
0.5 (4)
166 Incorrigible Youths 7
0.5 (4)
167 Inner Struggle 15
0.5 (4)
168 Insolent Neonate 16
2 (5)
169 Kessig Forgemaster / Flameheart Werewolf 14
0.5 (4)
170 Lightning Axe 17
0.5 (4)
171 Mad Prophet 14
0.5 (4)
173 Malevolent Whispers 12
0.5 (4)
174 Pyre Hound 3
0.5 (4)
175 Ravenous Bloodseeker 15
0.5 (4)