Buy List

Theros - non-foil



Unified Lunge 20
7 (12)
Boar Token (Green 2/2) 20
2 (5)
The Avenger 20
12 (19)
The Philosopher 20
7 (12)
The Protector 20
12 (19)
Elspeth, Sun's Champion Emblem 20
29 (55)
Satyr Token (Red and Green 2/2) 20
0.5 (4)
Golem Token (Enchantment Artifact 3/3) 20
0.5 (4)
Harpy Token (Black 1/1) 20
2 (5)
The Warrior 20
7 (15)
Cleric Token (White 2/1) 20
25 (45)
Elemental Token (Blue 1/0) 20
2 (5)
Soldier Token (Red 1/1) 20
0.5 (4)
Soldier Token (White 1/1) 20
0.5 (4)
Soldier Token (White 1/1) 20
0.5 (4)
Bird Token (Blue 2/2) 20
19 (35)
The Hunter 20
15 (25)
The Harvester 20
2 (5)
Grown from the Stump 20
7 (15)
Strike the Weak Spot 20
39 (65)
Hydra Head 20
7 (12)
Ravenous Brute Head 20
15 (25)
Savage Vigor Head 20
239 (379)
Shrieking Titan Head 20
169 (269)
Snapping Fang Head 20
229 (369)
Disorienting Glower 20
7 (15)
Distract the Hydra 20
12 (19)
The Slayer 20
2 (5)
Hydra's Impenetrable Hide 20
12 (19)
Torn Between Heads 20
7 (15)
Neck Tangle 20
15 (25)
Noxious Hydra Breath 20
12 (19)
Swallow the Hero Whole 20
12 (19)
1 Battlewise Valor 19
0.5 (4)
2 Cavalry Pegasus 19
0.5 (4)
3 Celestial Archon 20
0.5 (4)
4 Chained to the Rocks 20
15 (29)
5 Chosen by Heliod 19
0.5 (4)
6 Dauntless Onslaught 18
0.5 (4)
7 Decorated Griffin 19
0.5 (4)
8 Divine Verdict 19
0.5 (4)
9 Elspeth, Sun's Champion 19
25 (39)
10 Ephara's Warden 16
0.5 (4)
11 Evangel of Heliod 20
0.5 (4)
12 Fabled Hero 20
2 (5)
13 Favored Hoplite 16
2 (5)
14 Gift of Immortality 20
59 (99)
15 Glare of Heresy 18
0.5 (4)
16 Gods Willing 16
0.5 (4)
17 Heliod, God of the Sun 20
25 (39)
18 Heliod's Emissary 18
0.5 (4)
19 Hopeful Eidolon 18
0.5 (4)
20 Hundred-Handed One 20
0.5 (4)
21 Lagonna-Band Elder 17
0.5 (4)
22 Last Breath 16
0.5 (4)
23 Leonin Snarecaster 20
0.5 (4)
24 Observant Alseid 18
0.5 (4)
25 Ordeal of Heliod 18
0.5 (4)
26 Phalanx Leader 19
0.5 (4)
27 Ray of Dissolution 17
0.5 (4)
28 Scholar of Athreos 19
0.5 (4)
29 Setessan Battle Priest 18
0.5 (4)
30 Setessan Griffin 17
0.5 (4)
31 Silent Artisan 18
0.5 (4)
32 Soldier of the Pantheon 20
5 (9)
33 Spear of Heliod 20
15 (25)
34 Traveling Philosopher 20
0.5 (4)
35 Vanquish the Foul 20
0.5 (4)
36 Wingsteed Rider 18
0.5 (4)
37 Yoked Ox 19
0.5 (4)
38 Annul 20
0.5 (4)
39 Aqueous Form 18
0.5 (4)
40 Artisan of Forms 20
0.5 (4)
41 Benthic Giant 20
0.5 (4)
42 Bident of Thassa 20
12 (19)
43 Breaching Hippocamp 18
0.5 (4)
44 Coastline Chimera 17
0.5 (4)
45 Crackling Triton 19
0.5 (4)
46 Curse of the Swine 20
5 (9)
47 Dissolve 20
0.5 (4)
48 Fate Foretold 15
0.5 (4)
49 Gainsay 20
0.5 (4)
50 Griptide 19
0.5 (4)
51 Horizon Scholar 20
0.5 (4)
52 Lost in a Labyrinth 16
0.5 (4)
53 Master of Waves 19
15 (25)
54 Meletis Charlatan 20
0.5 (4)
55 Mnemonic Wall 20
0.5 (4)
56 Nimbus Naiad 17
0.5 (4)
57 Omenspeaker 20
0.5 (4)
58 Ordeal of Thassa 14
0.5 (4)
59 Prescient Chimera 16
0.5 (4)
60 Prognostic Sphinx 20
0.5 (4)
61 Sea God's Revenge 20
0.5 (4)
62 Sealock Monster 20
0.5 (4)
63 Shipbreaker Kraken 20
2 (5)
64 Stymied Hopes 17
0.5 (4)
65 Swan Song 20
149 (239)
66 Thassa, God of the Sea 19
69 (109)
67 Thassa's Bounty 19
0.5 (4)
68 Thassa's Emissary 20
0.5 (4)
69 Triton Fortune Hunter 20
0.5 (4)
70 Triton Shorethief 20
0.5 (4)
71 Triton Tactics 18
0.5 (4)
72 Vaporkin 20
0.5 (4)
73 Voyage's End 16
0.5 (4)
74 Wavecrash Triton 17
0.5 (4)
75 Abhorrent Overlord 20
5 (9)
76 Agent of the Fates 20
5 (9)
77 Asphodel Wanderer 17
0.5 (4)
78 Baleful Eidolon 18
0.5 (4)
79 Blood-Toll Harpy 19
0.5 (4)
80 Boon of Erebos 18
0.5 (4)
81 Cavern Lampad 18
0.5 (4)
82 Cutthroat Maneuver 20
0.5 (4)
83 Dark Betrayal 20
0.5 (4)
84 Disciple of Phenax 19
0.5 (4)
85 Erebos, God of the Dead 20
179 (289)
86 Erebos's Emissary 20
0.5 (4)
87 Felhide Minotaur 20
0.5 (4)
88 Fleshmad Steed 18
0.5 (4)
89 Gray Merchant of Asphodel 20
12 (19)
90 Hero's Downfall 19
5 (9)
91 Hythonia the Cruel 20
7 (15)
92 Insatiable Harpy 19
0.5 (4)
93 Keepsake Gorgon 20
0.5 (4)
94 Lash of the Whip 18
0.5 (4)
95 Loathsome Catoblepas 18
0.5 (4)
96 March of the Returned 18
0.5 (4)
97 Mogis's Marauder 19
0.5 (4)
98 Nighthowler 20
2 (5)
99 Ordeal of Erebos 20
0.5 (4)
100 Pharika's Cure 18
0.5 (4)
101 Read the Bones 20
0.5 (4)
102 Rescue from the Underworld 20
0.5 (4)
103 Returned Centaur 19
0.5 (4)
104 Returned Phalanx 18
0.5 (4)
105 Scourgemark 18
0.5 (4)
106 Sip of Hemlock 19
0.5 (4)
107 Thoughtseize 20
149 (239)
108 Tormented Hero 20
0.5 (4)
109 Viper's Kiss 20
0.5 (4)
110 Whip of Erebos 20
69 (119)
111 Akroan Crusader 16
0.5 (4)
112 Anger of the Gods 19
5 (9)
113 Arena Athlete 19
0.5 (4)
114 Borderland Minotaur 16
0.5 (4)
115 Boulderfall 14
0.5 (4)
116 Coordinated Assault 19
0.5 (4)
117 Deathbellow Raider 15
0.5 (4)
118 Demolish 14
0.5 (4)
119 Dragon Mantle 10
0.5 (4)
120 Ember Swallower 20
0.5 (4)
121 Fanatic of Mogis 17
5 (9)
122 Firedrinker Satyr 19
0.5 (4)
123 Flamespeaker Adept 18
0.5 (4)
124 Hammer of Purphoros 20
15 (25)
125 Ill-Tempered Cyclops 17
0.5 (4)
126 Labyrinth Champion 20
0.5 (4)
127 Lightning Strike 19
0.5 (4)
128 Magma Jet 17
0.5 (4)
129 Messenger's Speed 18
0.5 (4)
130 Minotaur Skullcleaver 18
0.5 (4)
131 Ordeal of Purphoros 19
0.5 (4)
132 Peak Eruption 20
0.5 (4)
133 Portent of Betrayal 13
0.5 (4)
134 Priest of Iroas 16
0.5 (4)
135 Purphoros, God of the Forge 20
289 (449)
136 Purphoros's Emissary 18
0.5 (4)
137 Rage of Purphoros 15
0.5 (4)
138 Rageblood Shaman 19
2 (5)
139 Satyr Rambler 18
0.5 (4)
140 Spark Jolt 15
0.5 (4)
141 Spearpoint Oread 17
0.5 (4)
142 Stoneshock Giant 19
0.5 (4)
143 Stormbreath Dragon 20
19 (35)
144 Titan of Eternal Fire 20
0.5 (4)
145 Titan's Strength 19
0.5 (4)
146 Two-Headed Cerberus 16
0.5 (4)
147 Wild Celebrants 16
0.5 (4)
148 Agent of Horizons 15
0.5 (4)
149 Anthousa, Setessan Hero 19
0.5 (4)
150 Arbor Colossus 19
0.5 (4)
151 Artisan's Sorrow 20
0.5 (4)
152 Boon Satyr 20
0.5 (4)
153 Bow of Nylea 20
25 (39)
154 Centaur Battlemaster 19
0.5 (4)
155 Commune with the Gods 18
0.5 (4)
156 Defend the Hearth 16
0.5 (4)